Product from Norway
Why Buy?
-Dry mopping and disposable non- woven dust cloths has become a generally accepted method of cleaning world wide as it picks up loose dirt more easily than mopping with water. Many scientists even argue that wet mopping actually helps to spread the germs while dry mops solve this problem. Additionally, frequent use of soap may damage your floor surface.
-The dry mop requires less effort to start to use than adding water and soap. Additionally, you never have to squeeze a cloth infested with germs and to dry up the floor afterwards.
-The dirt can easily be disposed and leaves no source for germ and bacteria to spread.
-The no. 1 source of asthma and other allergies is loose dust particles. RoboMop targets exactly this type of dust in addition to removal of light stains.
-RoboMop efficiently picks up animal and human hair shed.
-In increasingly busy environment we live in The RoboMop leaves you to spend your time doing other more rewarding activities. The user simply leaves Robomop on the floor. RoboMop requires no supervision as it will not get stuck anywhere.
-We are all looking for ways to make our lives more efficient. There are other and more high- tech options to this product on the market but to a price that most consumers would find high. Robomop is considerable lower in price due to its simple but efficient technology.
-This is a unique invention for elder generations and people with movement disabilities as it will eliminate unhealthy movements related to cleaning.
-RoboMop will run across your floor at a speed of 60m2/h and will cover a 60m2 surface with 98% accuracy in 1 hour.
-The 8.5 centimetre low mop actually cleans areas where you usually do not clean yourself like under sofas, beds and cupboards. (Where the real amounts of dust piles up).
**1 year guarantee against manufacturing defects
Comments from users worldwide:
"Thanks for the Robomop,Its realy fantastic with this kind of technic is doing with the dust in our house
We just use it one hour every day and most of the dust is gone"
Henk de Zwart
"I have bought Robomop some months ago and I am still highly excited about the way how this tool works. I have to admit that I have tuned my Robomop a little bit by changing the battery to a 2000 mAh model which improves the coverage by 30%,0. Although it needs a bit of preparation (rugs have to be removed in order to give way for the Robomop) it improved my single-person household life a lot. I tried "more intelligent" solutions as well but the result was worse regardless of the much higher price of the devices."
Andreas Blaha
"Just got one as Christmas present.
It's great! It's solving the cat's fur problem....... and it's funny. I called it PRISCILLA"
"Hello, I purchased the Robocop from QVC about a year ago. I am taking up all of my carpet due to allergies and I am also physically challenged. I love this unit and it worked very well in my bathroom. "
C. Lassiter
"I bought the Robomop a month ago and I enjoy it very much. I'm living alone and and the Robomop helps me to keep the flat relatively clean (I never have enough time for cleaning). It's a genious invention and I thank to everybody who is involved in its production and distribution."
Israel Shnaidman
Introducing the New Robomop Softbase RM200 only! (Free Delivery Nationwide)